Monday, April 10, 2006


Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I made my first million today. Almost two million, actually. That's right bitches, I've got almost 2 million won in my pocket (figuratively speaking...please don't rob me).

Time for a spending spree!

No, but seriously...having money rocks. I can buy things I need, heck, I can even buy things I just plain want. I don't have to eat PBJ sandwiches made with moldy bread that's been in my fridge for weeks. I can afford cheeseburgers! And the good kind of kimbap! Fuck yeah.

Anyway...that's all there is.

Oh, I had another peeer today. Do you think I spelled that right? Anyway, I handled the incident with my usual deft aplomb, I knew right where the mop was this time, I knew to wait to let her finish before escorting her to the changing room, yadda yadda. I could handle a whole class of peeers, I think, fuck it open the floodgates if you want I'm ready for that shit. That's the one thing though...please god no shitters. I can handle piss, but god help me if one of the pre-bies shits him/herself. I DO NOT want to deal with that. But these kids are 6 and 7 fucking years old, anyway, they shouldn't be peeing themselves...maybe there's something fucked up about Korean bladders, maybe I scare the munchkins, hell, I don't know...actually, I do know that I scare them sometimes.

Have I talked about Young Hyun? Young Hyun is an emotionally fragile boy in Horse class who will burst into tears if you don't handle him right. I think his ilk inspired the phrase 'kid gloves...' anyway he's either full of energy and hard to control or he's completely losing it and bawling like a shorn sheep. It's really hard to deal with him because sometimes he'll do something fucked up, like throw a pencil at me or something, but if I get too pissed then I scare the shit out of him and he starts crying like a baby. Anyway, I like him, and he's just a kid so I don't want to read too much into it, but this kid is gonna have problems down the road. But then, who isn't?

My co-teacher talks a lot about how she hates the needy kids, and at first I thought she was being a bit callous but more and more I see how right she is. I love the independant kids, the ones who know what to do without being told 20 fucking times and who don't come pulling on your shirt every time Jin-Kyung bumps into them w/o apologizing...ugh.

Are personalities pretty much defined at this age? I dunno. But it seems like you can tell pretty well where the kids are gonna wind up...

Anyway, how did I wind up talking about this shit? I'm off to count my millions...

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