Saturday, September 13, 2008


I never thought I'd say it after two years in Korea, but I'm getting sick of the stares here in China. When I walk down the street it's as if I look like the d00d to the left here.
At first I just tried to ignore it, like I would in Korea when it occasionally happened. Then, after getting a little pissy, I started staring right back until they look away. Sometimes it works, but there are some real first class gawkers in this city, let me tell you.
And of course none of them are beautiful women. They're all wrinkled up country folk or ill-behaved children or rakishly thin security guards or hirsute street people or slack jawed bus drivers or sarcastic prone schoolkids...or any other sort of demographic that holds no interest for me.

Is it wrong to be tired of a place so soon?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah China is weird - I left Korea and have been here for about 9 months already. I'm in Nanjing though, the place is packed with foreigners because of all the unis here, so no stares here.