Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So I Just Made My First Political Contribution

And it was to the campaign of this man.

Please, if you're an American and you're politically aligned at all with the left, then please contribute to his campaign. He has a real chance of beating the dark lady and winning the general election. And that would mean a lot for the country of my birth.

Do excuse me if it sounds like I'm a little late to the party, or as if I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but I've been an Edwards supporter from day 1 and would be still were he still running.

But that day is done. Obama is winning, and more importantly, he can win. Support him.

And is there a better line than the one he delivered in the speech below? It gave me honest to gawd chills when I first heard it. "Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or some other time. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

Jon Stewart had a great quip after he viewed the following clip. "Jesus, did I just get inspired by Ted Kennedy?!" Well, I did too. Watch it if you'd like.

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